cubical relief

This site is dedicated to a dark skinned white boy, also known as my brother, who has more style than I ever will.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Mashed Potatoes 101

Matt's aunt called this evening about Thanksgiving. She told me that my one and only duty this year is to bring the mashed potatoes. I told her that it would not be a problem! It's a piece of cake. While in my head, I was telling myself that I'm 27 years old, and of course, I know how to make them. Then, I got off the phone and started to panic. I've made mashed potatoes several times, but they have always come in a box.

I called my Grandma Lil for support. Her mashed potatoes are the best. This is how our conversation went:

Me: Grandma, can you tell me how to make mashed potatoes?
G Lil: Sure! Do you own a mixer?
Me: No.
G Lil: Do you own a potato masher?
Me: No.
G Lil: Do you know what a potato masher looks like?
Me: Yes Grandma. I'm not that pathetic.
G Lil: Well you better buy one or the other, or you are going to have problems!

I'm going to her house on Sunday to discuss.

When I got off of the phone, Matt said, "Nance, just make the boxed ones! No one will know!" Who wants boxed mashed potatoes on Thanksgiving? Not me! Last year, I traded Matt's sister my mashed potatoes duty with green bean casserole. This year, I will figure this out!

P.S. If anyone wants to take a cooking class with me, let me know!


Blogger James Kernan Ferrin said...

My dad made the best mashed potatoes. Good luck!

9:47 AM  
Blogger Katie said...

Pototatoes are my absolute favorite food of all time and i have to say, do not make box mash pototatoes! Whatever you do!

11:11 AM  
Blogger Katie said...

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11:11 AM  
Blogger kari said...

One year Tim's sister-in-law made the mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving only she didn't drain the water from the potatoes after boiling them. Needless to say, the pototoes were really runny! She has never been asked to do them again, and each Thanksgiving someone in the family brings it up! (no pressure...)

Grandma's mashed pototoes are the best! She will not lead you astry! Good luck!

1:13 PM  
Blogger Heather B said...

Ugh, me and cooking just don't go together.

But someday I will take a class ... or 30.

8:01 PM  

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