cubical relief

This site is dedicated to a dark skinned white boy, also known as my brother, who has more style than I ever will.

Monday, November 20, 2006

The Best to You Each Morning

In eighth grade, I dated a kid named Sean. Our relationship consisted of talking on the phone every night until my ear was sweaty. One night, I asked him where he lived. He said, "Near Kellogg's. I can smell the Cornflakes in the morning." I never believed him.

On my way to work, I pass by Kellogg's on the interstate, and more times than none, I can smell something delicious in the air. Today, I thought of that conversation we had many years ago, and it made me smile.


Blogger Katie said...

aren't junior high relationships the best. i had to end it with my junior high man after only three weeks because he called me too much. i was bored with relationships that fast even at age12. ha!

5:17 PM  
Blogger Heather B said...

Its funny you wrote this, the other day I was telling someone how much I missed the smell of Fritos in the air. My mom used to live right by the Frito plant in CB.

I now live in South Omaha ... I wont tell you what it sometimes smells like by my house, only that I would trade it for the smell of Fritos anyday.

5:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sometimes it smells like cookies. or maybe that's something else?

and that fritos smell always made my stomach hurt.

9:32 AM  

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