Lil' Nance
Jimmy wrote me an e-mail today, and in it he wrote "you should make a rap album." What he doesn't know is that I have my first single written. I wrote it in sixth grade for my D.A.R.E. graduation. It goes a little something like this....
Hi my name is Nancy.
Hi my name is Kae.
We hate drugs in a major way.
You fly high in a swing set.
High in a plane.
High on drugs, but it'll ruin your brain.
You can sell them in the rain
And also on a train
You will lose all your money
And go insane.
Your eyes will turn red.
Then, you'll be dead.
So now you better think ahead!
OMG one of my shining moments in life was reading my 6th grade DARE essay at our graduation ... ahhh I hadnt thought of that in awhile :)
The sad thing about this song is that I know it by heart and find myself singing it at least once a year so that I will never forget it.
i KNEW you could rap!
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