cubical relief

This site is dedicated to a dark skinned white boy, also known as my brother, who has more style than I ever will.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Lil' Nance

Jimmy wrote me an e-mail today, and in it he wrote "you should make a rap album." What he doesn't know is that I have my first single written. I wrote it in sixth grade for my D.A.R.E. graduation. It goes a little something like this....

Hi my name is Nancy.
Hi my name is Kae.
We hate drugs in a major way.
You fly high in a swing set.
High in a plane.
High on drugs, but it'll ruin your brain.
You can sell them in the rain
And also on a train
You will lose all your money
And go insane.
Your eyes will turn red.
Then, you'll be dead.
So now you better think ahead!



Blogger Heather B said...

OMG one of my shining moments in life was reading my 6th grade DARE essay at our graduation ... ahhh I hadnt thought of that in awhile :)

9:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sad thing about this song is that I know it by heart and find myself singing it at least once a year so that I will never forget it.

12:10 AM  
Blogger James Kernan Ferrin said...


i KNEW you could rap!

9:33 AM  

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