cubical relief

This site is dedicated to a dark skinned white boy, also known as my brother, who has more style than I ever will.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Why I Need a New Alarm Clock

When I opened my eyes this morning, I realized that it was 8 o’clock in the morning, and I had totally slept in. The morning started with me wheeling quickly into Brad’s room, getting him dressed, and then telling him that he was going to have to eat breakfast at school. Before we left though, he had to help me find the sprinkler heads in the front yard because the yard was going to get aerated.

We only had 15 minutes, and we were going all over the yard. We could only find 4 of the sprinkler heads, so I had to try to figure out the sprinkler system. I had never done this before. I was pressing all kinds of buttons and turning knobs, and I finally got the sprinklers going. Bradley was trying to get the heads flagged while dodging the sprinklers. Well, I don’t know how to run the system very well, and I accidentally turned on some heads and got Bradley soaked! He looked at me and yelled, “NANCE, I’M FREEZING, AND I’M WET!” Whoops!

Bradley ran inside and changed his clothes, and I put his coat in the dryer. Then, we (including Reese) got into the car, and we were off to school. We were halfway there when I looked in the mirror and saw that Brad didn’t have his coat, so we had to drive back home. He made it to school in time to eat breakfast.

You’d think that my morning of chaos was over, but no. When Reese and I got home, I let her out of the car. The first thing that she did was run into the yard and started pulling the flags up. I was yelling and chasing her around the yard with my polka dot pajamas and messed up hair in the freezing cold. I gave up, and I went inside to get a bunch of treats to lure her in. Treats and puppies go together, and that seemed to work. What a morning!


Blogger James Kernan Ferrin said...

treats and jimbo go together.

7:35 PM  

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