cubical relief

This site is dedicated to a dark skinned white boy, also known as my brother, who has more style than I ever will.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Snow Day

While I was inside working, Matt, Bradley, and Michael were enjoying their day off.

Michael Digging Cave #1

Bradley and Michael By Cave #1

Bradley in the Cave

Bradley in the Tunnel

The Finished Product

10 Random Things About Me

1. I have never pumped my own gas.
2. I am half Filipino and half Swedish.
3. I have no cavities.
4. I love grilled cheese sandwiches with grape jelly on top.
5. I am not a good shopper. I find it overwhelming.
6. I was a camp counselor every summer all through high school.
7. I am a good swimmer.
8. I have lived in Omaha all of my life.
9. I can't text message. If you text me, I can't text back.
10. I have the Anderson record for the most stitches.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Reese Rule: Number 1

Never leave your drink or food unattended. If I can get to it, it is mine!