It’s Official
I got drunk over the weekend. After last August, I vowed that I would never drink again, but sometimes promises you make to yourself have to be broken. Let me enlighten you by taking a trip down memory lane. It was 3:00 in the morning last August. Matt was driving us home. I was riding shotgun, and Parks and Adam were passed out in the backseat. I had to throw up really bad, but instead of stopping on the side of the road, Matt decided to drive really fast, so that we would get home faster. We were only 5 minutes away when I decided that I could not wait any longer. I rolled down the window, pulled my hair back, and horked for a few blocks. Adam woke up during the excitement and started to bitch. "Bergs, roll up your window! Why are you driving through a sprinkler?" Parks looked at him and said, "Cover your face. It’s Nancy. She’s trying to puke out the window!" It is rumored that after Parks said that, I turned around and started to laugh hysterically and point at Adam who was covered in my puke. The next morning, I promised myself that I would never drink again. I felt bad for Adam, and I felt like shit. Well, our dear friend is moving away this week to Denver. We had a party, so I decided to make an exception. I am proud to say that after last night it is humanly possible for me to consume too much alcohol without throwing up. Thank you very much.