It's hard to believe that it has been 3 weeks since we got Reese. This puppy has changed my life completely. It's funny how our plans go completely around when the dog has to relieve herself and when she has to eat. The other day when we were looking at the movie listings, I made sure that the movie would be done in time for her dinner! I have also become a morning person. She likes to wake me up between 5:30 and 6:30 in the morning. Her constant barking is the ultimate alarm clock!
She has developed quite a personality. When we first got her, she was shy, calm, and cuddly. Now, she is a sassy little ankle biter, but at night, when she is all worn out, she is the sweetest little thing. She is extremely cute and smart, and she is getting bigger and bigger each day. I wish that she would stay at her current size forever, but I think she is going to be a beast. Matt thinks that I am trying to stunt her growth since I only give her 2 cups of food a day. I’m just going by what the bag says.

Reese’s favorite things to do are play in the mud, dig in the dirt, chew on sticks, play tug of war, and bark at unknown objects. She recently made friends with a dog named Husker, but I think that she annoys him more than anything. Bradley is finally no longer scared of her. He now shows some authority, so Reese can no longer boss him around. They have bonded a lot more over the weekend, which is a big relief to me, since Reese has someone else that she can play with.
Thank god that the
Christopher Knight/Adrianne Curry wedding will be on in a few minutes otherwise I would write way more. I’m sure that there will be plenty of puppy stories to come in the near future. Stay tuned!