Almost 3 weeks ago, Kaylie, my friend's five year old daughter, fell out of her second story bedroom window. She landed directly on her head. Since then, her and her family have gone through so much. Some days are good while others are not so good. Her mom is so strong. I don't know how she does it.
Since the accident, Kaylie has had a number of complications. Her brain is really swollen. To relieve some of the pressure, they had to remove part of her skull. She has had a number of blood clots in both her brain and in her leg. At one point, they were considering amputating her entire right leg. Thankfully, things are looking better, and it hasn't come to that. She has come out of her induced coma. They didn't know if she would be able to come out of it. I was there when she woke up, and it was truly a miracle. Right now she just seems really scared because she doesn't know what is going on, and she isn't able to talk. She has a breathing tube in her throat to help her breath, and she is hooked up to a number of machines. I'm not good with medical terminology, but I know that her and her family need your help.
On June 18th, the
Fazoli's on
Cass street is having a fundraiser from 4-8 PM. Fifteen percent of the proceeds will be donated to the Kailey Pollert fund at Great Western Bank. It would be great if you could make it! If not, please keep Kaylie in your prayers!